Activities that enhance the school experience for every student.
At Channel Christian School your child will have the opportunity to be part of a strong and active Health and Physical Education program. Students are also engaged in daily fitness and have opportunities to join teams and represent the school.
The Arts
Our Arts program will engage, inspire and enrich your child, encouraging them to reach their creative and expressive potential. Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music, and Visual Arts, together provide opportunities for students to learn how to create, design, represent, communicate and share their imagined and conceptual ideas, emotions, observations and experiences.
At Channel our students are encouraged to engage with digital technologies in a meaningful, discerning and constructive way. We enjoy a one to one ratio of devices from Prep - Year 6 which are used daily to enhance and compliment the teaching and learning experience.
We value the health and wellbeing of the whole child. Our programs focus on development not only of our student's academic progress but also their social, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
Our Library is a central part of our school. It is a place where your child will learn, explore, relax and find adventure. We have a great range of carefully selected fiction and non-fiction books. There is always something interesting and exciting happening in the Library.
At Channel we encourage our students to be 'other centred'. We support local and international projects that open the students’ eyes to the needs of others that they may otherwise not have imagined. Through this work we foster a generous spirit and gratefulness for all that we have.
At Channel your child will be part of Bible-centred discussions about the treatment of others, resilience, respect and encouragement.
The Bible Society
World Vision
40-Hour Famine
Pajok Christian School in South Sudan
Hobart City Mission
Guide Dogs Tasmania
The Glen McGrath Foundation
Kingborough Helping Hands
Mawson Foundation
Samaritan’s Purse