The curriculum for Kindergarten is based on the principles described in the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and has a strong emphasis on play-based learning.
Prep - Year 6
The curriculum for Prep to Year 6 covers:
Geography & History (HASS)
The Arts
Digital Technologies
Health and Physical Education
Biblical Studies
The curriculum for Prep to Year 6 is based on the National Australian Curriculum. Teachers plan learning experiences and units of work within the curriculum which strongly reflect, and are underpinned by, the Biblical worldview of our Christian School.
STEM Integration
Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) is integrated across our curriculum. The school has recently reviewed our curriculum content to reflect a focus on this vitally important area in your child’s learning.
Soccer & Netball - mixed teams for Prep to Year 6. Our teams are coached after school by our enthusiastic parents.
Camps – For Years 3 - 6 are a great opportunity to build relationships between teachers, parents and students. Bonds are built through shared experiences, laughter and making memories. Our bi annual Canberra trip is a highlight for our Year 5/6 students.
Other Activities
At Channel your child’s learning will also happen outside the formal classroom setting in the exciting and interesting activities that we offer throughout the year. Programs that extend classroom learning we call ‘co-curricular’. Programs that engage and entertain the students but do not relate to specific educational goals we call ‘extra-curricular’.
Co-Curricular Activities
Class music lessons, band and choir
Dance and drama
Visiting performances
Excursions and lunch time activities
Bric-a-Build (Lego/robotics/coding)
Arts and craft
YEAR 7 to YEAR 12
Our sister school offers ease of transition and a continuity of experience, where subjects are taught from a Christian worldview
Classes from Year 7 to Year 10 follow the Australian Curriculum framework. Our teachers choose contexts for learning, and plan learning in ways that best fit Christian beliefs and worldview as well as our vision for Christian Education.
Senior Students are given the opportunity to prepare for University as well as participate in Vocational and Workplace Training. Completion of Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC) accredited courses allow students to attain their Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) and Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) to allow them entry to Universities around Australia. Students may also undertake Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses offered by Calvin or other external providers.
English and Languages
Humanities and Social Science
Outdoor Education
Health and Physical Education
Creative and Performing Arts
Design, Digital & Food Technologies
Visual Art
Business Studies
Digital Technologies
Music Studies
Food, Cooking and Nutrition
Languages other than English (German)
Sociology and Psychology
Outdoor Education
Design Technology