From the Principal


There are so many things I love about Channel - the community spirit, the ability to pull together when times are tough, the opportunities for laughter, the professionalism of staff, the history of the school and the school logo of a ship, which has so much symbolism.

As I lead staff and the school community through this storm, riding the waves together, there is one song which has strengthened me along the way.

Anchor by Skillet:
“You are my anchor, so steady me, steady me now.
You are my anchor, You’re keeping my feet on the ground”.

Just in that one sentence I received so much provision to keep going. Let me explain.

You are my anchor – God is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Everything around us is constantly shifting and changing but God never changes. He is the one thing we can hold onto knowing with full confidence His love and authority does not change.

SO – this one little word gives me the boldness to approach the throne of God and appeal to His sovereignty, that He will steady His school, our ship.

Steady me – If I turn to social media for information, “truths” or advice around this pandemic I would be tossed to and fro by the waves of uncertainty, fear, self-protection and pessimistic panic we see and hear around us. God’s spirit is giving me peace and a steadiness I have not felt before. His promises are true.

Thank you for your encouraging words this week. My inbox has been filled with lots of information but it always puts a smile on my face when I read the affirmations and encouragements from families reaching out to our staff in this difficult time. Thank you.

Margaret Louw - Principal


From Our School Counselor

At Channel Christian School, we want to support and encourage you in these uncertain times.

Our children see us at our best and our most vulnerable. Our children will see us when we are exhausted, frightened, sad, angry and when things in our lives and world feel like they are falling apart.

As parents, we can show our children how to be brave. Their courage starts with ours. The way we deal with our anxieties and worries can show and lead them in dealing with theirs. It’s tough to do, it means digging deep and focusing on them rather than our feelings. 

So that you can be well-prepared and support your family please read this article that will help as you have conversations with your little ones.

If you have any questions please contact me.

Mrs Julie Weeks - School Counselor


School Calendar

30th 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching Session 1 - POSTPONED

2nd Fire Education Program - POSTPONED
6th 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching Session 2 - POSTPONED
9th Last Day of Term 1

For a full year of events please see our online calendar.


Teaching and Learning Update

I addressed our families in a letter sent home on Monday outlining some steps we are taking. You can read this communication here if you missed it. As I walk around during break times and in the classrooms, I am blessed by the laughter and chatter around me. Children are a true blessing from the Lord.

Margaret Louw - Principal


Tomorrow - Brighten Your Day!

Tomorrow (March 26) we will allow students to come to school dressed in bright coloured clothing for the day. Be creative, have fun with odd socks, funny hats, colours that clash or anything else that will make people smile.


School Library

I would like to remind you all that our school Library has a wide selection of resources that your children might find useful. 

We have interesting novels, picture books, and readers, great for practicing reading and understanding narrative flow to improving empathy, as well as just being great for entertainment and diversion.

We also have a wonderful selection of non fiction from 'how to', DIY and general information books. Activity books, cook books, coding and craft are great for finding projects.

You may have noticed that I have increased the number of books children can bring home for the moment, but I also wanted to remind parents that you may borrow up to 10 books also.

Come on in and borrow some books. If I'm not here, you can write your name and the barcode from the front of the books in a book on the Library desk.

I also wanted to share with you some great online resources.

Libraries Tasmania has a huge collection of ebooks, emagazines, audio books and encyclopedias. Amazon has made many of their audio books available for free, for the meantime as well, accessible from here. Audio books are a very engaging way for people to engage with and access stories.

Marc Mumford - Librarian


Enrolments open for 2021!

If you're a parent with a child to enrol in 2021 especially in Kindergarten we'd love to hear from you now. To start the application process, please fill in our online form OR contact us.

Little Learners Cancelled

We have made the decision due to COVID-19 to cancel our Little Learners program until further notice. We’ll be in contact via email and this newsletter about things you can do to keep safe but active and involved in your child’s development at this time.


Channel Prayer Wall

  1. Please pray for our staff: They are at the front-line of this pandemic at school and in their personal lives. Pray for protection over their physical health, emotional and spiritual well-being.

  2. Please pray for our families, our grandparents and those at high risk. Many are experiencing difficulties or financial hardship as a result of the pandemic. If this is you please contact us or Joe-Ann Smit as we want to support you in any way we can through this time.

  3. Please pray for our students. Things around them are changing constantly, some are at home, some at school. Class dynamics are changing daily. Pray for protection from unhelpful information which may lead to fear and anxiety.

  4. Please pray for leaders in our community. Our school board, CEO and Principals in our CST schools, Pastors in churches, Governments and anyone else in a leadership role making decisions that impact so many lives. Pray for wisdom and the right motivation for decisions made.


Reminders From the Office


All assemblies have been cancelled until further notice.

Notice from Oakleys Coaches

All our buses are still a safe place to be. Every school bus is being sanitised everyday and our drivers are being very responsible in their own personal hygiene practices. Please, if you are unwell, do not use the school bus, stay at home.


To see all the latest photos and updates in the life of the school please visit and like our Facebook page.